Spending time on the water — fishing, swimming, crabbing and of course, boating — is just part of living in Maryland with our many beautiful waterways and of course, the Chesapeake Bay.  And all too often, too many people crack open one too many while behind the helm, without realizing the serious consequences.

Alcohol and boating can be a deadly mix. The hot sun and the effects of the water already impair the boater. Adding alcohol can only worsen a boater’s judgement and ability to react to situations in time.

The laws of the water are similar to the laws of the road. If you are found to have been operating a vessel under the influence, you could be subject to fines,  jail time and the loss of your operator’s license.  You could be charged by either state or federal authorities. Boating under the influence is criminal, not a traffic charge.

Boating under the influence will not affect your driver’s license, but it can affect your captain’s license.

While authorities cannot stop you without probable cause, the Coast Guard or the Maryland Natural Resources Police can board your boat under the guise of conducting a safety inspection. Just like when you are stopped on the road, you do not have to take sobriety tests. Often, these tests are unfair to boaters as they are administered when balance and coordination can be off and you do not have your “land legs.”

You should always contact an attorney before submitting to any tests. Call an experienced lawyer who has helped countless Marylanders avoid serious criminal charges or hefty fines. Call Drew Cochran at 410-271-1892.